Musings of an aging computer nerd hitting 0x32
Beebasm Mac Catalina
Got a new Mac with Catalina pre-installed, so had to compile my own version of Beebasm for the 64 bit OS.
10 PRINT6502
BBC Micro machine code take on C64 10 Print one line random pattern generator.
Code at Github 10print.asm
\ 10 PRINT
\ Using BeebASM assembler
\ (c) Alastair Montgomery
INCLUDE "../lib/constants.asm"
seed = &70
ORG &2000
LDA #23
STA seed
LDA #63
STA seed+1
LDX #0
LDA chartable, X
JSR oswrch
CPX #23
BNE char
JSR random
BMI two
LDA #224
JMP print
LDA #225
JSR oswrch
JMP loop
INCLUDE "../lib/random.asm"
EQUB 22,0
EQUB 23,224,8,8,12,7,224,48,16,16
EQUB 23,225,16,16,48,224,7,12,8,8
SAVE "MyCode", start, end
CA Thumbprint from Python
Recently had a need to get the CA Thumbprint from the Root certificate of a domain. This was for creating OIDC provider for an AWS EKS cluster.
This is the solution I came up with.
6502 Assembly Language
Been trying to relearn 6502 assembly language for fun, its a lot faster and easier than the first time on actual hardware when I was a teenager.
Been using a book I picked up from eBay Discovering BBC Micro Machine Code by A.P. Stephenson
Using BeebAsm assembler on my Mac with a BBC Micro emulator, rather than build in BBC BASIC one.
You can find my code at Github
This example draws a line of zeros to Mode 7, see screenshot below.