Musings of an aging computer nerd hitting 0x32
Search from the command line
A simple Python script to allow you to quickly search from the command line that I’ve been playing with on and off for a while.
It uses the Python Library Fire to automatically generate the command line interface which is something I stumbled across recently.
You either pass it a paramater for the search term or if one it not passed it used whatever is in your clipboard buffet.
Updating the parameter file you can add other search engines and pick which one to use as your default.
Learn C on Linux
Came across this article of ways to Learn C on Linux which took me back to my 3rd real programming job.
It was with a software house mainly working with C/C++ on Linux/ Unix and embedded systems.
My first real experience use C/C++ in a professional environment, happy days with a good bunch of geeks.
If you’ve never tried it before it would be a good change from more recent languages to learn C for a challenge.
Quick Tip : Installing Ruby 2.7 and Node 12 on RH8
Installing Ruby and Node on Redhat 8
Quick tip on how to install Ruby 2.7 and Nodejs 12 on Redhat 8, as it can default to older versions.
# Enable new versions
dnf -y module reset ruby nodejs
dnf -y module enable ruby:2.7 nodejs:12
# Install
dnf install nodejs ruby
# Check installed versions
ruby --version
node --version
npm --version
Docker Images Again
Devops Docker images again
Another Docker image with some tools useful for devops, this time includes the TIG CLI utility.
Tig Docker image
To use run the following;
Directly on the CLI
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/mnt
As an alias
alias tig='docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/mnt'
For full instructions on using TIG visit the offical instructions page.