Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Creative”
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Blacksmith Day 2023
Had a great day on my blacksmith course making a Ram’s head fire poker at Adrian Wood’s Forge, I would highly recommend it.
I went back for a second course after making a dragon coat hook last year, course which was part of my 50th birthday presents.
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Flickr album Short Code
Short code for embedding Flickr albums easily. Here demonstrated with my Inkotober 2020 album.
Short code defined like this
<a data-flickr-embed="true" data-header="true" data-footer="true"
href="{{ index .Params 1 }}"
title="{{ index .Params 0 }}">
<img src="{{ index .Params 2 }}"
width="800" height="600"
alt="{{ index .Params 0 }}">
</a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
First parameter is the album title. Second parameter is the album URL. Third parameter is a URL to an image to use for the album.
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Code can be found at Shapes
Further modification produce different results for Shapes Colours
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Flickr shortcode
Testing a Flickr shortcode I found here flickr-hugo-embed and tweaked for my own needs.